Breakfast about 8.30. Started raining. Two men kindly gave it as their opinion that it would continue all day. Both of us felt very cold, so bought a vest each over the way.
Cleaned up our bicycles, using tooth brushes for the chain, an admirable idea of Arthur's. Plenty of traffic through the archway of the hotel. Rain continuing and after a through clean up we started rather late at 11.30
Northampton - Daventry
11.30 - 1.45 = 12 miles
total 73
Rate 5 1/3 miles and hour
We found a gentle drizzle, a long steep hill and a very strong head wind. awaiting us. Simply crawled along. Nearly stopped dead sometimes, but the view was fairly good. thoroughly in the North Western district having left the Midland at Bedford. Brought some post card at Weedon & posted two. This is the veritable Weedon where the old lady wanted to get out "She cried Weedon Station, they make no observation". We kept dry this far, but now rain more pronounced especially in the valleys on our left. Had a [?] after leaving Weedon. Unexpectedly escaped most of te rain. Came across some barracks in a desolate looking country. Hope they enjoy themselves there We war a long while reaching Daventry, owing to the wind, but at last we arrived there and put our bicycles in the stables of the Peacock Hotel where there were plenty of flies. The church we noticed had a golden knot on spire or something to that effect. Had lunch on a very large steak which we managed to do justice. Starting for Coventry at 2.55
Daventry - Dunchurch
2.55 3.50 = 9 miles
Total (day) 21
Total 82
Rate 10 miles an hour.
An old white horse hand carriage seemed very keen on catching us up. It Passed us toiling up a long steep hill, but we soon left behind when once we had gained the summit. Roads very good. Passed un the Central Railway, thought of the millions of trains that wold pass there in the future. Only stooped 5 minutes at Dunchurch sitting on a seat around a big tree. No refreshment.
Dunchurch - Coventry
3.55 - 5.20 = 10 miles
Total(day) 31
Total 92
Rate 7 3/4 miles an hour
Went along quietly, but were soon roughly awakened by a most fastly noise ahead. Turned out to tbe two motor cars which came round a courner at a frightful pace and left the atmosphere pretty thick behind them. Roads uninteresting, and becoming very bad towards Coventry. Sa te town from a good height. Ran into the heart of the cycle manufacturing district and found electric trams working on the same principle as at Havre. Had tea at the {?} Hotel a very expensive place. Looked at the spired churches from outside and then we came to the conclusion that there was nothing else to be seen so moved on for Lichfield.
Coventry - Coleshill
6.35 - 7.35 = 12 miles
Totla (day) 42
Total 104
Rate 12 miles an hour.
Our usual long hill to climb aft the meal, however when that was over we had a glorious ride. overtook a young lady who we observed rode very strongly up hill. Turned o the right off the birmingham Road at Stone Bridge. Found the new road narrower but the scenery prettier, especially the panorama our right. Soon the heavens became dark. Trees on both sides of the road reminding us of our Hatfield Road. Here a Midland Train, all lighted up overtook us and looked very fine. Stopped at Coleshill for 5 minutes to light up.
Coleshill - Lichfield
7.40 10.0 = 16 miles
total (day) 58
Total 120
Rate 7 miles an hour.
Coleshill indeed. No mistake about there being a hill as we found out. Arrived at the bottom safely, to find ourselves on uncertain of our road. Knocked at a cottage for to enquire before going up a steep hill. We had to go up it though and were not encouraged by being told that it was bad all the way. They were bad, but not so as much as we expected. Came to another stope at a junction of the main roads. Again we asked at a house, and afterwards our lamps went out but apparently only by accident as they were alright afterwards. The next thing to do was to run over thorns but although several twigs cut from the hedges were taken up by our tyres they luckily were not puctured. Fet a little bit tired, and was glad to see the lights of Lichfield as tehy cheered us up after a somewhat cheerless road. Put up at the _____ Hotel. The bags had not arrived. Had the same kind of supper as at Northampton but somehow or another we did not feel so hungry. Sat in the Bar and smoked. People here very casual. In fact one of the servants told us it was stime for us to go to bed. We were to her, of rather suspicious character and having warned the lady of the house against our robbing the till she departed. We were the only people in the hotel, hence here show of temper. Turned in about 12 with the feeling that there was no prospect of decent clothes to put on before lunch as the statin (NW Trent) was 1 1/2 miles off.
Miles in the day 58
Total miles 120
average daily run 60
average rate per hour (exclusive of stoppages for meals 7 1/2 miles an hour)
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