Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Sept 3 (1897), Friday, 1st Day

Packed up two bags sending on to Tynemouth and another to Lichfield.  It was some time before we got off as we had made no arrangements beforehand.  Started at 2.45, having previously had lunch with Arthur as my companion.

Broxbourne - Hitchin

2.45 - 5.5 = 22 Miles
Rate 9 1/2 miles an hour.

Walked up Hoddesdon Hill. Very jolly ridethe country about Hertford and Waterford with its steams looking very fine.  Went along well to Broadwater but from this place to Hitch the roads were rather bumpy and the wind in our faces decidely stong.  At Hitchin we had tea hoping that the wind would fall towards sunset and so be able to make up the lost time.

Hitchin - Bedford

6.0 - 7.40 = 18 miles
Rate 11 miles an hour.   Total 40

Started from the Cock Hotel after an hours rest. We noticed plenty of good [?] where at [?] we were glad to find that the wind had dropped considerably.  Soon cleared the town and found ourselves by the side of the Midland Railway and soon overtaken by a train which we caught up again at the station.  Roads splendid.  Passed through pinewoods and rushed down a steep hill.  Lighted our lamps before going into Bedford on the North Western bridge

Bedford - Northampton
7.50 - 9.45 = 21 miles
Rate 11 miles an hour.  Total 61

Did not stope more than 5 minutes.  Bedford very lively and rowdy place.  Sometime leaving it behind.  Lovely night when clear of the town with the new moon.  Few clouds about and occasional flashes of lighning which told a storm was not far off. Stopped occasionally and once to look at a jonah in the middle of a stream.  Passed through several little intricate villages having very steep corners.  Gradually neared Northampton and alt last ran in close to where Will and Maggie used o live.  Put up at the Angel and had a splendid supper of cold beef tomatoes {?} and ginger beer the appreciation of the repast being due to the fact that were simply ravenous.  Sat in the bar room for a pipe and then turned in to a double bed with Arthur as a bedfellow.

Miles run in the day 61
Total miles run 61
average daily run 61
Average rate per hour (exclusive of stoppages for [?]) 10 1/4 miles per hour

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