We were glad to find it a fairly fine morning. Had breakfast and started off as soon as we could on the wrong road, but we were pulled up in time and left Lichfield for ever (so we hoped) at 10.0 having sent on bag onto Tynemouth.
Lichfield - Burton on Trent
10.0 - 11.20 = 13 miles
Total (day) 13
Total 133
Rate 10 miles an hour.
Anyone who as a taste for the country had better go to Lichfield. On the roads they will find herds of straggling cows and thousands of sheep coming up in millions. Stopped to oil up on bridge near the NW main line station (
Trent Valley). Roads afterwards turned out good, and the day was lovely for cycling, there being a cool side to the breeze a little {?} in front of us. We soon along the side of a little canal with whitewash bridges which looked rather picturesque. We discovered afterwards that the canal is the Grand Trunk Canal. We saw no traffic on it. Churches occasionally seen on the hills on {?} side
Burton chimneys soon in sight. Very busy place. looks like one huge brewery, at least the beer part. Each department has its rails and plenty of them to cross. Burton proper rather nice. Only stopped for a {?} for half a pint of bitter at
Burton Brewery and delicious it was. Turned my bicycle upside down as it squeaked occasionally, then bade farewell to the damsel who seemed very pleased to see us, although she had never seen us before. and felling better for the "
Burton half" we started for Derby
Burton-on-Trent - Derby
11.45 - 12.45 =12 miles
Total (Day) 25
Total 145
Rate 12 miles per hour
Another grand ride, the scenery being pretty and the roads good with the canal still beside us. We were now in the thick of the Midland District again, having left N Western at Lichfield. Grinded a long steep hill from the top of which we saw Derby in the valley beneath us, a mass of red brick. Ran down in a zigzag fashion, and were rewarded with a lunch at the
Bell Hotel arriving there at 12.45. Having done 25 miles we took our time. I had a good wash and was rather alarmed at a {?} young commercial traveller (hat on back of his head and one hand in his pocket) with second rate servant. Did justice to the table d'hôte lunch. Plenty of commercial men about. Smothered my coat with red paint on a newly painted door. There is little consolation from the thought that the door will have to be painted again. Lunch over we made tracks for Chesterfield.
Derby - Chesterfield
2.15 - 5.20 = 25 miles
Total (day) 50
Total 170
Rate 8 miles per hour.
Started up tyhe street taking a long time to clear Derby, but at lenght after passing over a very steep railway bridge we were free. We found the wind stronger but still more sideways than in front. Also we found an old friend, the canal still with us. Noticed several large railway viaducts. Neither of us felt very fit, and only looked upon the afternoon's work as a gentle movement towards our destination.The scene now changes. Collieries, coal and iron works began to crop up, all of wich seem very busy. The {?} lick the {?} into fits, and by the way they look at you they seem a murderous crew. We ran through several villages all choke full of children. Passing through Alfreton we passed one man wheeled on a herse, who and met his death in some mine. Roads too were not so good. Nothing else of interest until we sighted Chesterfield, when we were struck with the funny appearance of the spire on the principle church which leans to one side. Roads jolly. Had a wash, then tea. Hotel a dirty place. Ii am fermented and the waiter conspicuous for his absence, whilst to make things worse we cow find no bell in the room to wake him up. Started again after an hours rest.
Chesterfield - Sheffield
6.40 - 8.15 =12 miles
Total (day) 62
Total 182
Rate 7 3/4 miles per hour
After leaving Chesterfield tree miles behind it began to drizzle and get dark. Lighted ulamps and I jumped over the wall. The rain then came down in torrents and were were soon wet through, but this did not stop our pace. There were several steel hills to be ridden. We accompanied two ladys for a mile or so who had cycled from Derby. They must have enjoyed their wetting. The rain stopped as we approached Sheffield and after another {?} we reached this great city and put up at the _______ Hotel. Before engaging beds we were told we could only do so for one night, as all were engaded the next night by racing men staying for the Doncaster races. Had supper and then strolled about the newly made "City". Serious thought of a music hall but being wet we lounged about the streets keeping on the move for fear of catching cold. Turned in about 11, sleeping separate rooms going to sleep with the suspision that Sheffield was not so interesting as I expected it to be.
Miles in the da 62
Totoal miles run 182
Average daily run 60 2/3
Average rate per hour ( exclusive of stoppages for meals) 9 miles an hour.